12. I Fail

How is my relationship with ‘failure’?

Notes to myself:

  • I start to value failure.
  • I don’t care when people laugh at me when I ‘fail’.
  • Because I really value myself when I show up.
  • I value myself even more when I show up,
  • I fall down and I fail.
  • I love myself when I fall down.
  • I don’t let myself feel ashamed.
  • I stop being scared of failing, and I embrace it instead.
  • It is the only way to become better.
  • I have done what I could. Perfection is an illusion.
  • The only way not to fail, is by doing nothing and that is a failure in itself.
  • I’m being grateful for every moment and I maintain a positive attitude, because I take action.
  • I start to value effort, the results matter less and less.
  • When I take action, failure will happen. A lot.
  • Failure can and will happen. It happens to everybody.
  • Failure is part of…success.
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