Unique Individual Immersive
It could mark the beginning of a life filled with deep fulfillment and true happiness.
Do you dare to discover what you truly want in life, before it’s too late?
The moment of truth begins now
We live in a world filled with distractions:
sounds, push notifications, likes, followers, and an endless stream of unsolicited videos that the algorithm forces down our throats.
And it seperates us.
Like zombie junkies, we exchange our precious attention and time for continuous hits of dopamine.
Image courtesy of stevecutts.com
But what if, today, you stopped for a moment and looked back at your life? What would really stand out?
Take a second to think
This question cuts through the noise. It clears away distractions and forces every thought, every action, to feel urgent and real.
There’s no more room for delay or excuses.
The Last Hour Experience is not just a product – it’s a journey, a confrontation, a wake-up call.
It’s your unique chance to take a deep dive into your life, without masks or distractions.
See your life as if it’s about to end, without the pain of loss.
Reflect on moments of isolation and consider how connection could transform your journey.
No strings attached
Breathe in
In the comfort of your own space, I’ll guide you through a series of profound questions that will make you stop and reflect on the core of who you are and what you truly want.
This isn’t some crowded seminar or a confronting ritual – it’s just you, your headphones or earbuds, and an hour of raw truth.
If your time was limited, what would you change? What words have you left unsaid?
Acknowledge past regrets and envision a path to forgiveness and growth.
What have you been too scared to pursue?
Identify the doubts that hold you back and find the courage to overcome them.
In this journey, you may encounter feelings you’ve long avoided – loneliness, guilt, uncertainty.
What you push away doesn’t disappear – it builds like a silent storm and strikes at the worst possible moments, often compounding stress when you’re already at your limit.
Imagine a breakup triggering not just heartache, but also buried grief or other long-unresolved emotions – an overwhelming combination that makes everything harder to handle.
This journey offers an emotional cleansing, on your terms.
It’s a chance to reflect, let go, and find peace – whether that means embracing change or simply realizing that everything is already as it should be.
These emotions, though challenging, are gateways to profound self-discovery and transformation.
By embracing them, you open the door to a more authentic and fulfilling life.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment – create it now.
As Carl Gustav Jung said, “An essential condition for a somewhat balanced personality is to constantly confront our shadow.”
Jung used the metaphor of sitting with his back to the light, so that his shadow always fell in front of him, making him aware of his dark side.
This image illustrates that the darker parts of ourselves – those hidden fears, desires, and traits we push away – are always present, whether we acknowledge them or not.
They are our whisper-quiet companions – whether welcomed or not, they follow us everywhere, loudly steering our thoughts and actions.
These shadows, no matter how disruptive they may seem, are, at their core, protectors. They arise from well-intentioned efforts to shield us from painful experiences in the past.
Yet, they often sabotage us in the present, keeping us trapped in old patterns and limiting beliefs.
By recognizing and understanding these protectors, we give ourselves the chance to loosen their grip.
Yet, we often fail to see these aspects of ourselves, not because we don’t want to, but because no one ever teaches us how.
Not our parents, friends, or even an ex-partner point out these blind spots. These shadows, unnoticed and unchecked, silently shape our lives.
This is why it’s so important to consciously face and explore these hidden parts of ourselves.
By taking the time to explore our deeply rooted beliefs, fears, and shadow patterns, we give ourselves the opportunity to let them go.
When we shed the emotional baggage they create, we liberate ourselves and move forward with greater clarity and lightness.
This process can feel daunting, as it asks us to look at ourselves with complete honesty.
Yet, it is equally liberating.
The Last Hour Experience provides a safe and structured space to help you move forward with newfound clarity and freedom.
Only by confronting and integrating these aspects can we truly live freely – unburdened by unresolved fears and unconscious habits.
Facing our shadow is not a burden; it’s the key to moving through life with a sense of ease and purpose.
The wake-up call from The Last Hour Experience may be confronting – it forces you to face your mortality. But that’s exactly why it’s so powerful.
The Last Hour Experience is based on a scientifically supported methodology1&2 , which has also been widely proven in practice².
It opens your eyes to everything you might have been missing, while you still have the chance.
After the experience, The Vita Follow Up helps you put your newfound insights into action. Because realizing what you want is one thing –making lasting changes in your daily life is another.
With practical insights and exercises, you’ll have the tools to continue on a path that feels right for you.
Not because you need to, but because you want to.
Because you choose, from a place of self-love, what’s good for you. So that this experience isn’t just a fleeting moment, but a lasting transformation.
And if you conclude that your life is already perfect, that’s amazing! This will have been a rehearsal for your final hour, with a beautiful conclusion.
You had the courage to look yourself in the eye and confront your truth. That’s an act of real bravery, and that alone is something to be proud of.
This is for the brave souls. For those willing to face what they might rather avoid.
For people who want more from life than a superficial existence. If you’re ready to dive deep and confront yourself, this is your moment.
Unique Individual Immersive
In what matters
to take the challenge?
This is not just a product. It’s a chance to see your life through new eyes, without waiting for a crisis.
It’s an investment in yourself, your future, and the people you love.
If this were your last hour, how would you look back on your life? Have you seized the opportunities life has offered you, or are you still waiting for the right moment to truly live?
The choice is yours.
Imagine the relief and clarity you feel when you know you fully focus on what truly matters.
Discover the power of honesty and embrace real change, when desired, or simply gain deeper insight.
Don’t wait – start today.
Their Last Hour Experience
“Doing hard things deliberately will prepare you for a solid challenge in the future.
TLHE is a way to discover how you feel and deal with your emotions. You’ve done it and then you can park the experience in the library of your emotions, so that it can help you in the future.
After the experience I appreciated the people close to me even more, on a deeper level. I feel an even deeper appreciation for the people close to me, like an awakening call.”
– Olena, The Netherlands
“Makes you think on a completely different level. There are a few products I care about in this world; they can only be counted on one hand. The Last Hour Experience is one of them.”
– Roeland, The Netherlands
“The Last Hour experience has been a powerful tool to help me focus on what is important to me in my life, what I needed to express and what I needed to release and let go.
There are very practical exercises in the experience, that can change your life very quickly just after doing it. I also had a big emotional release that helped me discover things that I needed to heal and work on.
A wake-up call is one thing, and can strike differently for everyone. But it’s really about the actions after the event that matter. Sometimes it can be complex to keep the motivation and the consistent actions to change our lives after. I used to have a hard time to keep my eyes focused on my goals before; the lack of clarity resulted in endless postponing and feeling frustrated about it.
That’s why I found the Vita Follow Up very useful because it gives you a life guideline that you can make personal and practically apply in your daily life, and immediately see the results.
After the experience, my mind is clearer and more focused, I feel more grounded and grateful, but also excited for anything to come.
Investing in ourselves is the most profitable investment, so if you can experience your last hour consciously (without dying at the end) 🙂 I really recommend to do it.”
– Soumaïli, France
“The Last Hour Experience was part of my reflection on the last few years.
Last Friday I informed my company, where I have been working for more than 8 years, about my decision to leave the company and follow my heart.”
– Lana, Ukraine
“The deeper you go into yourself and your emotions, the faster you can manifest things in your life and create the reality you want.
Going deep means facing the truth: realizing that your life has a deadline and the people around you too, which means you don’t have unlimited time and opportunities to tell them everything you would want.
The emotions you feel about them and your own life, will have to be processed sooner or later. The Last Hour Experience helps a lot in the realization of this truth but is also a catalyst for this process.”
The earlier you start, the easier your life.”
– Louis, France
“The Last Hour Experience was an intense and transformative journey that compelled me to confront my core values in relation to death experience and, consequently, to embrace the present more fully. The program’s meticulous guidance through each step was both challenging and profoundly rewarding. I transitioned from a place of significant pain and sadness to one of clarity and purpose. This experience is ideal for those seeking to live more authentically. It served as a powerful wake-up call, offering a perspective that only an encounter with death can provide, illuminating what truly makes life meaningful.”
– Catherine, Sweden
“Already at school we’re being asked, “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” For some, it might be easy to answer that question. But to me it seems like many people are unsure about what makes a good life for them well into adulthood. I feel like every second person on earth is soul-searching, me included. And if you think about it, that’s not surprising. We’re constantly being asked the big questions, but rarely given the time or space to genuinely explore the answers for ourselves.
I think that the last hour experience can be helpful with breaking through that fog. It helps with figuring out what you want – and maybe even what regrets you might be carrying.
For me personally, the experience helped me to map out some habits that may not always be the best for me. I’m fairly content with my life, so I don’t feel the need to completely overhaul everything. But still, I definitely became aware about some things I’d like to change.
However, you need to be aware that it is a tough love approach: It confronts you with your own death.
This was really difficult for me, to be honest. I may or may not have cried a little. Usually I try not think about my own death.
However, that is also why the approach is so effective. It is painful, but that is exactly why it can serve as a real wake up call.
After the Last Hour Experience you get an additional e-book – the Vita Follow Up. This part helped me to figure out a strategy for myself with which I can create and solidify the new habits I want in my life.
It is one thing to realise what you want, but it is a completely different beast to actually change long term.
I’m far from done with implementing the new habits that I’ve figured out I want in my life. But I believe that the lessons that I took away from the vita follow up will be helpful with that.
This course doesn’t do the hard work for you, but it acts as a compass, helping you navigate your personal journey toward change.”
– Janina, The Netherlands
“I began The Last Hour Experience without any expectations. Unexpectedly, it deeply moved me and made me reflect on myself and the life I am living. I would recommend this intense yet remarkable experience to everyone. It may just lead to new insights and help deepen your connections with the people around you.”
– Milou, The Netherlands
Face your final hour
Got more questions? We’ve got answers
An approximately one-hour digital workshop that you can do entirely on your own, whenever it suits you.
I will guide you step by step through a reflection on your life. The experience invites you to imagine that this is your last hour alive, asking yourself: “How have I lived?”
Put on your earbuds or headset, make sure you won’t be disturbed for at least an hour, and prepare yourself for a truly unique experience!
For anyone – age 18 to 99 – who wants to live consciously, who is interested in personal development, who would like to grow and who is not afraid to confront oneself.
This does not alter the fact that everyone can also have a unique personal motivation to participate.
For instance:
Every person can have their own unique motivation, just like every person will have their own unique perspective of the experience.
You can make the experience as spiritual or religious as you want and even for those who don’t see themselves as ‘spiritual’, the experience can feel spiritually significant.
It seems as if more and more people are becoming ‘spiritual’ based on how often you hear this word. Since mindfulness has become an established phenomenon, this word has also become commonplace. It is derived from the Latin word ‘spiritus’ which means: (in the) spirit.
It’s a matter of semantic interpretation what that means. If you see the mind as a “life force” – the distinction between an inanimate body and a living human being – we are all “in spirit” and thus essentially all spiritual beings.
What is certain is that everyone has a different perspective when talking about a ‘spiritual experience’. It concerns the experience of one’s own mind, or one’s own consciousness, and is therefore often very personal, although spiritual experiences can also be shared.
How spirituality fits into the life and death theme of The Last Hour Experience:
No one knows for sure what exactly death means and where we go after death. Purely physical recycling of atoms into stardust, or a timeless first-class journey of the soul?
Looking at death from two sides:
The Last Hour Experience is largely about the first point.
Everyone has a personal belief about death, even if that is atheistic or agnostic, so we leave point 2 up to your interpretation.
The fact is that, no matter what we believe, we cannot be fully sure what is going to take place behind the real divide of life and death.
Saying goodbye to life is possible at the very end, at that limit, but who knows how much time we have been given and whether we will consciously get around to the final farewell? In fact, we say goodbye to life a little bit every day.
Goodbye sounds heavy, but it can just as well mean: celebrating life. Being aware, enjoying, experiencing, and living out of gratitude.
Because if we don’t consciously celebrate life, commemorate it through moments of silence, it becomes a hectic, colorless and monotonous whole. An empty life.
So that means life is balancing between two apparent contradictions.
Day after day, because you can hardly live every day as if it were your last, but also not pretend that you will have eternal life.
The same field of tension applies to life as a whole, because that is what life is: walking a tightrope between living and saying goodbye.
In The Last Hour Experience we apply death, which is – whether we like it or not – a fact of life, as an incentive to a very conscious life.
Conscious to the individual pixels of day-to-day life, but also for seeing the bigger picture. Because all those daily individual pixels ultimately form the image of your life as a whole.
Your life as the sum of your days. Your personality as the sum of your thoughts. Some nicer, some less. But the whole is what counts.
And during this life you can do a lot about how you will die later. Not even physically – although health and vitality obviously play a major role and the influence you undeniably have on it – but especially mentally.
How have you lived your life? How did you develop yourself? What memories did you leave behind? Who were you as a person on this earth?
Facing these kinds of questions, and feel – not just know, that’s intellectual – but consciously experience and appreciate that life in this form has an end, can be a spiritual experience for sure.
We are only satisfied if you are. There is a Money-back Guarantee on the course. Without difficult questions.
In other words, you are satisfied, or you get your money back. It’s that simple. Of course, I don’t think it’s happening, but if you’re even the slightest bit unsure about whether this will work for you, then you can now rest assured.
This is an online course. You can get started right away.
You have unlimited access. After your order you can start immediately. You will then always have access to log in to your account and read everything you want.
The experience of The Last Hour Experience itself is intended as a one-off event. As soon as you are all set and press the start button, it will start for you.
You determine that moment yourself, so even if you only want to start in a few months, or want to start the experience right away; it’s all possible without any problems.
Absolutely! The Last Hour Experience is designed to remain valuable over time.
Many participants find it helpful to revisit it on meaningful moments, such as their birthday or at the end of the year, to reflect on their growth and ensure they’re still aligned with what truly matters.
All your answers are automatically deleted after completion and never stored.
You can choose to email your answers to yourself once at the end.
With your explicit permission, one specific answer may be shared on Messages for The World, an inspiring collection of messages from participants.
It gives you self-insight about what life is really all about for you. And more importantly: it enables you to apply this knowledge.
This can give you the ‘solution’ for everything ranging from new insights in your life to avoiding regret at the end of your life.
Regret when it is too late. Regret for the things you should have done differently. Because you pursued the wrong things.
Out of ignorance, stuck in patterns, or dulled by comfort and numbed by an excess of stimuli and entertainment.
This regret may be the result of a deeper problem, namely: the link in your life between knowing and doing.
Only the latter leads to results. Knowing is relatively easy, but actually doing it – constructively and sustainably – is another.
Being really consistent, in a way that serves you and your environment, is the challenge of life.
Everyone wants the end result. But who wants to make the effort?
But it is even more: for much will surface that you know unconsciously, but not yet consciously. Because it was hidden away.
Underneath all the noise and stimuli of this noisy, fast-paced time.
In addition to a great willingness to take action, you will also gain valuable new self-insights.
Suddenly it is much easier to make choices. You can filter better and say ‘no’ to something with a smile, because you know you have a much stronger ‘YES’ to something that really matters to you.
Without fear of missing out.
All this in order to live now, as you would have done afterwards, and to avoid regretting it when there is no more time to do things differently.
Then you will benefit a lot from it.
Make easy choices and you will usually have a difficult life. If you dare to make difficult choices that go outside your comfort zone, you will usually have an easier life.
You learn and grow and become stronger and more complete. Have more experience and references and can interpret and put things into perspective more quickly.
Paradoxical: by regularly stepping out of your comfort, your life will not only become more fun, but also really more ‘comfortable’. Because you are armed with an arsenal of experiences, problems become relatively much ‘easier’.
Problems become challenges that drive even more growth. You achieve things in life that you previously thought impossible.
If you continuously live limited with the unwillingness to go through temporary pain and always choose comfort – the easy way – you will not develop yourself into who you could become.
Difficulties are precisely what defines character and what shapes us. Not if everything always goes smoothly, or goes via the easy way.
We all know: life can run totally unexpectedly. We plan everything and ‘would have liked to do so much more’ – later – but life sometimes determines something completely different.
We fooled ourselves.
Just an illusion.
The truth is that our life has a deadline, so the most precious thing we have is our time.
But we do everything we can to ignore our finitude here. Because it raises uncomfortable questions:
· What have you always wanted to do, but put off doing again and again?
· What unfinished business should you be taking up?
· Are you leaving something on the table in your life?
· Did you spend enough quality time with those you love?
· Who do you still owe a ‘sorry’ or ‘thank you’ to if you are being honest with yourself?
· Do you consistently do what really matters to you?
· How are you remembered? What will you leave behind?
Thinking about the finiteness of our physical life can sometimes frighten us.
But the truth is that accepting and embracing the deadline of this life can actually liberate you and make you more aware and happier.
In what way? By going back to the essence. Everything is already in you. All the happiness. Everything you long for. But because of the noise of everyday life, we forget it so easily.
Because constantly – through countless apps, the media channels and advertisements – we are told that we need something. Another purchase. More approval. Distraction. All in endless forms.
And that also works. Very briefly. But it’s just treating symptoms. And the danger is that it is so addictive that it keeps us away from what does work for us, and what really matters.
What we get in life will never make us truly happy. What matters is who we become along the way and what we share and give. Nobody can take that away from you and it gives lasting satisfaction.
Because when you feel good about yourself, live consciously and realise your own ambition and potential, it spreads like wildfire. Your positive energy affects all those around you!
Only then can you really make a difference. Sometimes just by your presence. You have much more influence than you think.
But then we need to know what matters. What makes us grow and consciously focus on that.
A life on autopilot – in fear of the truth and without clear intentions – will leave us stranded everywhere, except for what matters.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel yourself. I will take you step by step in an hour.
Regret usually comes because we didn’t have enough action awareness and that insight is suddenly there later on.
The Last Hour Experience brings out that awareness in you. To the life of now. How? By shifting the context from the end to the present.
Regret can also relate to self-blame. The perfectionist variant of our moral conscience. The greater our idea of the feasibility of man, the more we can blame ourselves.
Because: the more feasibility, the more possibilities, the more choice, the less happiness.
This causal connection is illustrated in a humorous but painfully confrontational way in the TED talk: ‘The Paradox of Choice’. In which psychologist Barry Schwartz shows that more choice increases our expectations to a point where they can only lead to disappointment.
In this day and age there is more choice than ever. Everything seems possible. All information is available in no time.
That applies to dating (apps) but also to what we want with our lives. Study, career, mean something for others.
Lots of choice can lead to stagnation; not choose at all because we are paralyzed by all the options. Sometimes it’s nice and easy when a decision is made for you
In addition, we are less likely to be satisfied, because satisfaction with a decision is reduced by the number of options that preceded that decision.
Apart from the fact that more choice leads to increased expectations, this is also because we now consider ourselves responsible. We made the decision ourselves.
This ensures that later on we will always be able to think gnawingly: “What would it have been like if….?” and: “There is probably a better option. Let’s search/swipe further for a moment.”
Is there something that can be done about this? Yes. Fortunately.
Everything starts with awareness. When we see the pitfalls above, we have knowledge and that gives us freedom of action.
We can then see that it is a choice which reasoning we normally follow fully automatically in our head, and link it to the (feasible) options that lie ahead of us.
Then we see that feasibility can very well in harmony with happiness.
That we do what we can do, but are also allowed to make mistakes. That everything is a learning process and the trick is to adapt to the circumstances in which we end up on our life path.
For this it is important to do the necessary self-reflection.
We offer you the pinnacle of this with the experience of The Last Hour Experience.
When we say goodbye, we are of course first and foremost confronted with the farewell of a loved one. It’s about the life of that very person and saying goodbye to that one person.
And that brings out feelings…
But in addition, we often cannot escape the fact that two more things happen:
Seeing death literally stops us for a moment.
In the hubbub of everyday life, it confronts us with the finiteness of everything around us. We realize once again very clearly how transient and relative everything really is.
What are we always worried about?
In the face of the big things, our daily worries suddenly become futile.
But whatever happens and whoever falls away, no matter how great the pain; the world is always spinning.
And because everything is always in motion, including everything in ourselves, standing still is not an option. We have to move on. The insight of the relative often disappears quickly. Until we are stopped again…
The death of that loved one simultaneously holds up a mirror to us and confronts us with our own finiteness.
Because there is no distraction from a deceased person who deserves all the attention – after all, you are now central – we can use The Last Hour Experience to discuss these two aspects much more powerfully and give it the attention that this requires.
Our own life, and its deadline.
This purely personal application, without distraction from people around us, creates a very pure confrontation with yourself.
Suddenly there is silence and you look straight at yourself in the mirror.
What do you really live for?
Through this unprovoked confrontation, without a sad cause, you can go deeper and face and heal the fear that lies beneath each personal goodbye.
This ensures that the relative that we normally only see for a short period of time, is something we can continue to take with us. Not from a nihilistic perspective, but from a pure knowing; a keen awareness.
Every day and every moment being aware of the relative and at the same time doing the daily things with gratitude and conviction.
Seeing the world as a play in which we just play a role. The role of life that is assigned to us in the sense of the body in which we are born and in the given place, and the role that we ourselves interpret as actors of life.
A real goodbye indeed; not physically but mentally.
A farewell in the sense of mental detachment. Breaking free from fear and coming to the point under the daily emotions and thoughts. The omniscient consciousness within us. Under our ego and the limited vehicle that our body eventually turns out to be.
Combining that detachment with daily passion and love seems like a contradiction in terms.
Yet that is possible if we are aware of the temporary earthly life and can fully embrace that truth. In that knowledge, live our lives with passion from our hearts. But at the same time dare to say goodbye at any moment to everything that earthly life entails.
Because the things that really matter may transcend everything that death takes from us in the moment of physical goodbye.
Everyone experiences the journey in their own way. Even if you don’t feel immediate insights, the experience often plants seeds that grow and flourish later.
The Last Hour Experience is intentionally short and impactful. It’s designed to be time-efficient and accessible, even for those with busy lives.
Sometimes, the greatest power lies in restraints:
¹ Schwörer, B., Krott, N. R., & Oettingen, G. (2020). Saying goodbye and saying it well: Consequences of a (not) well-rounded ending. Motivation Science, 6(1), 21–33.
² Based on ‘Dignity Therapy,’ a well-researched therapeutic approach widely applied in clinics. Click here for more details.
Source of Kierkegaard quotes 1-4 in the FAQ images: see the bottom of the FAQ page.